Monday, December 27, 2010

Finally Back in Business

About a month ago I was absolutely hammered by work obligations and I let the stress get to me.  Instead of sticking with my running as an outlet, I was just so worn out I opted for sleep instead instead of my morning run.  Predictably the stress mounted, and without my running as a release it all caught up to me and I had a bit of a mini meltdown.  So, that lesson has been. learned and I'm getting back to a normal training routine.  Feeling much better, but I am amazed and chagrined at how much fitness I have lost.  I have also packed on a few pounds and definitely have my work cut out for me in my quest.
I've also taken some time to reflect on what I want to achieve and where I want to focus my efforts.  There has been way too many distractions in my every day life and it is time to really focus my efforts.